I read the item about the Craigie training, which evolved into a discussion on ‘cashing cheques’.
Anne & I have had similar problems with cheques not being cashed within a reasonable time. Many people run two accounts only transferring cash to the current account when required. Surely it is not too much to ask for a cheque to be cashed within the month of being issued.
So, if the organiser can’t (or isn’t allowed to) ‘bank’ the cheques themselves, it is the Treasurers duty to arrange this promptly. Previous treasurers were at Wednesday night meetings and most organised events to collect cheques and balance show/training receipts, Joe never seems to be at anything.
However, all of which doesn’t answer Mariand2004’s (whoever they are) question or respond to Ferne’s (I know who she is) comment, i.e. why does it take this length of time to bank a cheque? I don’t really think Mariand2004 was intending to have their fiscal arrangements questioned.
So perhaps a straight forward answer; why does it takes so long for Joe to deposit cheques?
This leads to the next question, cheques are to be phased out by the Banks over the next few years, so how will this effect Fife Riding Club?.
Has the committee discussed this and have they come up with a proposal to overcome this, perhaps even to have any such proposal or ideas from the membership discussed at the AGM?
Finally the committee’s actions are meant to make things easier for the membership.