Fife Riding Club Fife Riding Club
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Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 24 October at 7.30pm to which all members are invited. We have a new venue this year - Markinch Bowling Club, Bowling Green Rd Markinch. HOW TO GET THERE: (from club field) Exit Club Field, turn left onto B969 Western Avenue. At traffic lights turn right on A92 heading south to Kirkcaldy. At first roundabout (Tullis Russell rdbt) take first left to Markinch (B9130). Continue into Markinch passing entrance to Balbirnie Hotel. In centre of Markinch turn right at Laurelbank Hotel/Drummond onto Betson Street. Bowling Green Red is approx 400m on right hand side. Offstreet car parking directly opposite Markinch Bowling Club premises. We are using the function suite.
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The club’s ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will this year be held on THURSDAY 24 OCTOBER at 7.30pm at MARKINCH BOWLING CLUB, Bowling Green Street, Markinch. Details of the venue will be posted nearer the time along with minutes & agenda. The meeting is your chance to find out how the club is placed financially and to elect committee etc. It is also an opportunity for committee to get feedback from members about what sorts of things you might like to see being offered in future. Next year marks an important anniversary in the club’s history and we will be giving heads up on just a few of the things being considered to mark the occasion. The AGM will be followed by the presentation of awards to competitors in the Summer Dressage and Showjumping Leagues, also to the best 10 riders in the Overall Points Competition (winner gets the magnificent Linklater Trophy), plus the Mossman Quaich will be awarded to the Most Improved Horse of the Year ( formerly the Vic Trophy). This Trophy is voted for by the members and goes to the horse(not the rider) which members feel has shown most progress over the summer - one to think about! Refreshments will be served. We hope as many members as possible will come along to support and cheer on our prize winners!
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Open Arena Event Results

Many thanks to all of our competitors who joined us at FRC for the Open Arena Event. It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying your horses. The weather held up for the most part which meant that ground rode really well for the xc section.

We had a great day and had some brilliant feedback from competitors who seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. A few very forward and excited horses happy to be out. A lot of smiling facing as well as some tears of joy. What more could I ask for as the organiser?

Thank you to our wonderful band of volunteers who helped set up by lugging heavy fillers from the other end of the club, building fences and to those on the day that the show wouldn't have ran without. It takes a village!

George and Mildred (the chickens) made their return to the course and not one horse seemed to have an issue with them this year.

Thank you all for supporting our club, I have a few ideas up my sleeve for next year!

Kirsty Trotter

Results below :)

Open Arena Event Results August 2024
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Open Arena Event

We will be starting at 1000 and the weather is looking to stay dry!
Arena Event Times
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To see latest changes to requirements for flu vaccination certificates please click on the link. Valid flu vaccination certificates are mandatory for any horse taking part in Qualifiers for National (UK) Championships. The rules have been tweaked recently. If you want to try to qualify for nationals please check the rules in the first instance. Organisers have confirmed that passports of ALL Qualifying competitors WILL be checked on site. BUT passports of Non-Qualifying riders will NOT be checked. (Remember, however, that by law Horse Passports MUST be carried when travelling to competitions).
Flu vac latest click here
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Please note the combination code for gates at the club field have been changed today 9 March. Anyone needing the new code should speak to Tricia direct when booking.
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Just to say a big “thank you” to members who have renewed their annual subscription for the 2024 season - it’s great to have you back on board! Committee are currently working on the summer syllabus and it looks like we will be seeing some exciting changes to the programme following feedback from members. We hope to have the dates finalised shortly, so watch this space.
Those of you who have not renewed - we are sorry to see you go. Please note that with immediate effect, only current paid-up members will be allowed to use the club field for exercise or members-only organised training, or access the members-only Facebook page.
Going forward, regardless of what happens in the near future, we will continue to operate under BRC Rules. A copy of the new Rulebook can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
2004 Rulebook
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Just a reminder to members that your annual subscription is due to be paid now. The last day for payment is 15 DECEMBER!
At the AGM it was agreed that the subs would be increased for the first time in five years. Unfortunately our fixed costs eg field maintenance have been increasing year on year and it was accepted that the subscription needed to increase in line. The amended subscriptions are now:

Full Riding - £60;
Associate - £48;
Non-Riding - still only £20.

You can pay online via club;

by card - contact Andrew on 07967 655691 (or Linda 07740027427);

Or by post/cheque to Liz Glasgow, 296 Muirfield Drive, Glenrothes, KY6 2PZ;

If you want to pay cash, please contact any of the above.

As you may have read on Facebook, BRC are planning to introduce an online member payment platform. This will involve an additional admin charge . Your committee have yet to get satisfactory assurances from BRC about the new system and so you will not be able to pay them direct at the moment. If you wish to avoid paying that extra charge we recommend you pay your subs to the club asap. The CLOSING DATE for payment has been EXTENDED to 15 December so don’t delay.

If you joined after 1 August, you do not need to renew until next year’s AGM.
Remember, if your horse is out of action for a bit and you don’t feel you want to rejoin as a full member for now, you can save money by rejoining as a Non-Riding member then when your horse is fit, you can upgrade to Full Riding by paying the difference in subs. That way you avoid becoming a “lapsed” member which would require you to pay an additional joining fee when you come back.
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This rescheduled competition finally ran last Wednesday evening, again in glorious sunshine. The entry was modest by normal standards so we ran a shorter track which still included the bank, Woods and river over 15 fences. The going was great. A handicap system was running to give everyone a fair chance of picking up a rosette. Thanks to our helpers who set up the track on Tuesday night and jump judged, scored, timed etc on the night. Everyone had a great night so we’ll done. Results below.
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We had a great turn out for this popular competition - in fact most competitors were non- members who had driven in from various parts of the country. Many were first time visitors who were wowed by our facilities and, judging by the comments on social media, they had a ball. Thanks to everyone involved in putting this show together, especially Kirsty who spent several days of her annual leave lugging jumps around the field, also Simone and everyone who helped set out the track or helped on the day. It has to be said we were running with an absolute minimum number of helpers despite several pleas to members and committee. Thankfully Lorraine Evans had to pull her horse at short notice but offered to steward. Similarly Margaret Wyse came over as did Susan Kerr - without their help we would have toiled to run this at all which would have been a great shame all round. The main thing is it did run and it ran well. Results below

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MEMBERS HACK, Weds 26 July

Tonight’ working hunter class has been cancelled and instead members are invited to a quick jaunt around the bridlepath from the club field. Gates open from 6.00pm. Riders to go off at approx 10 min intervals in pairs/small groups. Hack takes approx 1 hour. Last horse’s to set off 7.15/7.30 to return by 8.30. No entry fee. Members may bring one guest on horseback along. Drinks and snacks available on return. To see route click on “Map” below. To get description of route click on “ talkround” below.
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Can’t make the Open Mini Horse Trials but still fancy a blast around the course? - then don’t miss our Members-only MINI CROSS COUNTRY now on Weds 9 AUGUST.
Classes from 45cm cross poles upwards. Entry as usual via
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You have probably read this already but just to say that BRC will for the first time now permit DARK COLOURED JODHPURS/BREECHES to be worn during formal competition.
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We will be running our ANNUAL OPEN MINI HORSE TRIALS on SUNDAY 9 JULY. This is a day-long competition, incorporating all the aspects of conventional horse trials - Dressage, Showjumping and cross country - BUT all xc fences are KNOCK DOWN - so no stressing about having to jump big, solid fences. Classes start from 50cm so this competition is ideal for less experienced horses/ riders. The cross country phase is over a track which has a range of obstacles and terrain including woodland tracks, banks and a river crossing. The pace is relatively modest to reflect the mixed terrain. Lots of rosettes and even a couple of trophies on offer. Open to non-members and juniors. To see schedule click on link below. Must be pre-entered via ( if any problems please contact organiser Linda on 07740027427 or via club Facebook/ members or Open Shows pages). Due to limited space on the Showground we may have to restrict entries. If necessary a waiting list will operate.
Click here for schedule!
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The third leg of our SUMMER SHOWJUMPING LEAGUE will be held on WEDNESDAY 28 JUNE. Classes from 45cm upwards. Don’t forget to get your entry in - go to where you can also download the schedule. COURSEBUILDING will be on TUESDAY 27th at 7.00pm if anyone can lend a hand; we will also be looking for some help on the night - ring steward(s), pole pickers/arena party, etc.
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Members enjoyed a fantastic sunny evening at the club last night while competing in the second leg of this season-long league contest. Entries were a bit down due to injured riders, ailing horses and work getting in the way. Those who did manage along however found a nice, flowing course with options to shave off seconds by risking tighter turns or jumping on the angle. There was no one “bogey” fence, although a couple of horses did have a hissy fit at the viaduct wall fillers which appeared at fence 7 later on.(no comment!) . With lots of helpers on the night, everything ran very smoothly and the last horse went exactly on time - another minor miracle.
Thanks to everyone who helped with coursebuilding and on the night, and to those members who did come along to compete. And well done to our winners - Linda Wood, Sarah-Jayne Bowers, Joy Fulton, Lorraine Evans and Glenn Wheelans! To view results see the events page.
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Members, don’t forget to get your entries in for our Summer Dressage League. Held monthly between May and August with tests ranging from Intro to Medium. Max two tests per horse. Results over the season are collected and overall awards made at the AGM. Details and schedules via as usual. The next round is on Weds 7 June. ENTRIES CLOSE 31 MAY.

We will need some HELP on the night so please lend a hand if you can. We will need TWO writers (not too difficult - just write down judges comments!), two ring stewards (top up your sun tan), someone to look after the judges (collect score sheets from judge and take to scorer plus organise drinks if judges/stewards are thirsty), also someone to help in scorers office (just involves double checking scores and help sort out rosettes). Can you help? It’s a great way of finding out more about how tests are scored etc. Contact TRICIA if you can spare an hour or two on the night, please. Many thanks. Tel/text 07752581642 today!
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OPEN ARENA EVENT, Sunday 18 June 2023

COMING SOON! Don’t miss our annual Open Arena Event, a mix of coloured and rustic fences. Starts with 40cm cross poles and goes up to 90cm - something for all abilities! Details and entry via Open to Non-Members.

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A reminder to all riders that the rules regarding hats have changed. Hats bearing the PAS 015 1998 and SNELL 2001 marks are no longer allowed at anything run by any affiliated Riding club - and that includes anything run by Fife RC. Compliant hats MUST be worn at ALL Club events. The current aqua coloured tags are no longer acceptable and for the purposes of Area Qualifiers and National Championships only hats with new PINK tags will be allowed. Pink tags are not required for non-qualifying rounds but hats complying to the new standard must still be worn. For more info click on link below
Summary of new hat rules
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BRC are tightening up on the type of WHIP permitted for SHOWJUMPING and CROSS COUNTRY competitions. The WAY you USE your whip has also been tightened up in response the horse welfare concerns.

With IMMEDIATE effect, PADDED WHIPS are mandatory for jumping classes and riders should familiarise themselves with the way whips are to be used.

To see a summary click on the links below
Click here
Click here, too!
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BRC are proposing to phase out some older back protectors. The old BETA 3 2000 standard will no longer be accepted. A BETA Level 3 displaying a PURPLE 2009 Label OR BLUE 2018 Label is acceptable but any other levels/dates are NO LONGER accepted and will not be allowed at any BRC competition. Please also be aware that from 1 January 2024, the 2009 Purple labels will not be accepted.
To see a summary, click on the link below.
Click here
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Your BRC Membership cards are now issued by Head Office direct. By now most of you should have been contacted but if you have not received anything you should contact
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Members have been asking for information about the network of bridlepaths which can be accessed directly from the Club Field. The paths go up around Formonthills with lots of loops and variations allowing short or longer rides. The thing to remember is that, although these are designated bridlepaths (some of the very few in Scotland), the landowners, Woodland Trust, have opened the tracks to all - so you need to be careful about meeting other track users such as dog walkers, joggers etc. On the plus side, there are some nice bits for cantering if the coast is clear! To see where you can go, please click on the attached links. One shows the full extent of tracks available: there is also a map issued by Woodland Trust which is maybe a bit easier to follow. Happy Hacking!
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New members often have lots of questions! Here are some useful points of contact:
1. For anything to do with MEMBERSHIP - Contact Club Secretary LIZ GLASGOW on 01592 754809 or email at

2. For queries about payment of subscriptions/invoices etc - Contact Club Treasurer ANDREW THOMSON on 07967655691 (after 8pm, please) OR email him at

3. If you want to use the facilities at the club field for private training/exercise you MUST contact TRICIA GARNETT at least 24 hrs before you plan to visit. She is on 01337 860331/07752581642.

This facility is only available to fully paid up Riding/Associate or Honorary FRC members . Non-Riding Members are NOT permitted to use the field for training or exercise.

For specific Club training/competitions/shows contact the event organiser in first instance.

For more general enquiries about BRC/FRC speak to Liz.

Hope this helps
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As well as queries on dress code, we have had some new members asking about correct tack/spurs/whips etc for various competitions. Firstly, check the schedule: if it says it is run under BRC rules then you need to consult the BRC Handbook where you will find loads of information - and it is FREE to download. Different competitions have different rules so be aware that rules for affiliated British Dressage might not be the same as dressage at affiliated British Eventing - always check if you are not sure. Be aware, too that some of the competitions which we run are unique to Fife RC - these may well be described as being under FRC Rules because they don't fit any specific category. If you have queries about these particular competitions, you should contact the organiser direct.The best source of local info on more general BRC matters is your Club Secretary - Liz Glasgow - on 01592 754809/07970418333 or Ultimately, the rider is responsible for having the correct tack on their horse - and wearing incorrect tack can result in elimination or deducted points - so it pays to check things out first.
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We often get queries about what to wear at the shows etc. Here s a quick guide. Firstly, all riders need an appropriate safety helmet.The standards vary but if you are in doubt the latest rules can be found in the BRITISH RIDING CLUBS HANDBOOK - or you could just phone the club Secretary, Liz Glasgow. Back protectors are recommended for any jumping classes but these are not yet mandatory. Check schedules for local variations. Jackets are desirable for competitions or shows so you might want to aspire to one if you don�t have one already. For members-only competitions it is acceptable to wear smart casual/ rain jackets etc or a club sweatshirt. Jodhpurs or breeches should be worn. In hot weather, it is tempting to peel off a few layers. Please be aware that this can usually only be done with the permission of the judge. Generally, short sleeves are permissible but sleeveless is not. Waistcoats can be worn with shortsleeved shirts/blouses. Proper long riding boots should be worn but short boots with matching leather gaiters are also ok as are suede chaps provided they match the boots. Smart casual ok for training at field. For more serious competition eg inter-club meetings, you would be expected to wear the �proper� rig. A very useful source of info is the BRC Handbook which not only has all the rules but all the info on dress codes for different competitions. You can order a paper copy or download it for free from the BHS website. Another place to check is the Club ByeLaws page (see Membership page). Please note that if you are using the field for private exercise, you MUST wear a safety helmet correctly fastened whenever on horseback. For more info on hats click on the link below.[STOP PRESS: BRC have advised that some approved hat standards are no longer acceptable. The standards being dropped are 1. PAS 015 1998 and 2. SNELL 2001. The new rule will not come into effect until 1st January 2023 so if you are thinking of replacing your hat, make sure you don't get one with either of these marks as they will not be accepted after end of 2022.]
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Competitors at Area or Championships please note that BRC are bringing their rules on whips and spurs in line with BS.
Click on link below for full details
Click here
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No doubt you will have read about changes to requirements for flu jabs. In line with BE and BD, Riding Clubs now need horses attending qualifiers to have been vaccinated within 6 months of the competition. This does not mean that you have to get your horse jabs every six months; the advice is that if you are likely to compete at qualifiers you should get your horse jabs in April and that will give cover to the end of the summer. It�s probably worth doing this anyway if you are going to be out at lots of horse shows next summer as well as it will give your horse better protection. The six month requirement will be mandatory for Area/ Scottish Championships from 1st March 2020.
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Having checked our current members list, we found that there are nearly 40 people who are paid up members but who are not on the clubs Members Facebook page. This page is only open to paid up members, not the general public. While you can get lots of information about the club on our website, the Fife Riding Club Members Facebook page is the best way of getting the most up to date info direct to your mobile device. So, if you haven�t joined up yet, now might be a good time to do it, as we head towards springtime.

You might also want to visit the Fife Riding Club Flog it Facebook page and the Fife Riding Club Open Shows Facebook page - both are open to non-members.
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The best way of ensuring your horse�s safety is to keep your flu vaccinations up to date - or get your horse vaccinated if you have not done so already.

For more information speak to your vet or go to the BEF Website or Here

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Just a polite request to any member wanting to use the field for exercise or training purposes. The rules about who can use the field and when are well known and posted elsewhere on this website. ONLY CURRENT PAID-UP MEMBERS ARE ALLOWED TO VISIT THE FIELD OUTWITH NORMAL MEETING TIMES. This is a discretionary privilege which may be withdrawn at any time.


Anyone interested needs to contact TRICIA BEFORE going to the field - this is an insurance requirement and covered by Club Bye-Laws. Failure to observe the correct booking procedure is a breach of Bye-Laws and may result in disciplinary action being taken, such as suspension of membership. If using the field for the first time you will need to fill in a disclaimer form for retention by the club secretary - Tricia should advise you on this point.


Please bear in mind committee members are volunteers who also have other commitments so please be patient when waiting for a response and ensure they phone/text at a reasonable time.

Thank you!
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We try not to cancel if at all possible but occasionally we have to accept defeat!

As far as Wednesday Night meetings are concerned, the latest time we can cancel is around 5pm but we will try to make a decision earlier if at all possible.

If the decision to cancel has been made, a note to this effect will be placed on the FRC website and also on our Facebook page. If you do not have access to the website or Facebook then you should text Linda on 07740 027427 to avoid a wasted trip. IF NO NOTICE HAS BEEN POSTED BY 5pm ON THE NIGHT OF ANY MEETING YOU SHOULD ASSUME IT IS STILL RUNNING.

As far as weekend shows are concerned, if there is any doubt about the weather or ground conditions, a site inspection will be made 24hrs earlier and , if necessary, on the day of the show at about 8am. If cancelled, again a note will go on the website or Facebook page or else the show organiser should be contacted by text or phone after 8.30am for an update.

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Any new members wishing to join should do so via Sport 80 by following the link below;

Join Here


We are trialling a new online entries system. For those interested the


A further reminder to all members wishing to use the club field for private tuition outwith normal meeting times.

Firstly, the field & facilities are for the exclusive use of PAID-UP MEMBERS ONLY (i.e. Full Riding, Associate or Honorary Members). NON-MEMBERS or other family members are NOT permitted to ride except during open shows. Instructors are not permitted to ride unless they are also members.

Secondly, following advice from BRC insurers,with effect from 1st March 2015, anyone providing private tuition at the club field outwith normal meeting times will be required to forward documentary evidence of valid instructors insurance cover to the Club Secretary in advance. The Secretary will retain details of trainers insurance on file. If the trainer does not have suitable insurance, then they will not be permitted to teach on club premises. Members booking their own trainers are responsible for ensuring their instructor complies with this requirement. Failure to so will be a breach of Club Bye-Laws.


A reminders that the club field can only be used by members & must be booked IN ADVANCE, giving full details of date/time and name of instructor through Tricia Garnett 07752 581642. Further details on using the clubs facilities, the club Constitution & Bye Laws are available on the membership page


For those of you who don't already know FRC now has its own Facebook Group. Check it out for all the latest news, gossip and updates. Please note only members can join & comment on the FRC Group.
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