Members are welcome to use the field facilities year round, when they are not already booked for planned events or competitions. The committee reserves the right to close the field at any time.
PRIVATE USE OF THE FIELD IS FOR PAID-UP CLUB MEMBERS ONLY (i.e. Full Riding, Honorary or Associate members) and must be pre-arranged with Tricia Garnett on 07752 581642. Please let Tricia know when you're planning to use it and what you plan to do. PLEASE NOTE FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE WILL CONSTITUTE A BREACH OF CLUB RULES WHICH MAY RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION
Informing Tricia that you are using the field does not guarantee you access to a specific arena.
Private tuition will be restricted to the small all weather arena only.
All jumps must be returned to where you found them after use. It is not the committees responsibility to clear arenas after private use. If you are planning on jumping please ensure that you allow enough time to build your jumps and to clear them afterwards. Under no circumstances should horses enter the safe area.
Horses should not be left unattended at the side of boxes.
Whenever there are horses within the field, the field gate must be closed at all times and dogs kept on leads.
Any breakages or damage must be reported to Tricia
ALL RIDERS RIDE AT THEIR OWN RISK OUTWITH ORGANISED MEETING TIMES. All riders will be required to read and sign a DISCLAIMER FORM before accessing the field, a copy of which can be found below. Please note in order to streamline matters, ALL members will now be required to sign the form at the point of renewing subscription or when first joining the club.
Members are advised to have their own personal accident and public liability insurance.
Members must wear safety hats and appropriate footwear as per BRC Guidelines
We recommend anyone using the field for private exercise should be accompanied whenever possible.
Under 18�s must be accompanied by an appropriate adult
With effect from 1st March 2015 any trainer offering private tuition at the club field will be required to forward proof of suitable instructors insurance cover to the club secretary in advance. This change in procedure has come about as a result of advice from BRC insurers. MEMBERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT THEIR INSTRUCTOR IS INSURED - FAILURE TO DO SO WILL BE IN BREACH OF CLUB BYE-LAWS AND MAY RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST THE MEMBER INVOLVED. |
Membership |
Membership is open to anyone aged 16 or over. Three types of membership are available:
- Full riding membership* - Associate membership** - Non-riding membership
* For member aged 18 years and over ** For riders aged 16 to 18 years
Subscriptions to renew membership should be paid at the close of the AGM each year and before 1st December. Members who joined after 1st August do not need to renew their subscription until the following years AGM.
New membership applications & renewals to be sent to the club secretary, Liz Glasgow (see below). Alternatively new member applications and renewals can be made via clubentries.com. ALL NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY COMMITTEE.
Mrs E Glasgow 296 Muirfield Drive GLENROTHES KY6 2PZ Tel: 01592 754809
Constitution |
Members using the field outwith organised club meetings and Non-Members are NOT insured and ride entirely at OWN RISK. Riders should have their own personal accident and public liability insurance in place.
Private exercise (members only) |
Non-Member disclaimer |

Any new members wishing to join should do so via Sport 80 by following the link below;
Join Here
We are trialling a new online entries system. For those interested the |
A further reminder to all members wishing to use the club field for private tuition outwith normal meeting times.
Firstly, the field & facilities are for the exclusive use of PAID-UP MEMBERS ONLY (i.e. Full Riding, Associate or Honorary Members). NON-MEMBERS or other family members are NOT permitted to ride except during open shows. Instructors are not permitted to ride unless they are also members.
Secondly, following advice from BRC insurers,with effect from 1st March 2015, anyone providing private tuition at the club field outwith normal meeting times will be required to forward documentary evidence of valid instructors insurance cover to the Club Secretary in advance. The Secretary will retain details of trainers insurance on file. If the trainer does not have suitable insurance, then they will not be permitted to teach on club premises. Members booking their own trainers are responsible for ensuring their instructor complies with this requirement. Failure to so will be a breach of Club Bye-Laws. |
A reminders that the club field can only be used by members & must be booked IN ADVANCE, giving full details of date/time and name of instructor through Tricia Garnett 07752 581642. Further details on using the clubs facilities, the club Constitution & Bye Laws are available on the membership page |
For those of you who don't already know FRC now has its own Facebook Group. Check it out for all the latest news, gossip and updates. Please note only members can join & comment on the FRC Group. |